Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reading Reflection 5- I'm Thinking...

As the year progresses I find myself pushing the limits of the content knowledge I have to bring into the classroom to make my lessons meaningful and engaging. I have read 5 books in the last 2 months that are related to my subjucts, and I still believe that the material I have is not enough. History is so broad and can be viewed from a very gernal to a very focused concept. I understand that I have to hit the content standards, but I find myself torn between concepts and which theme or event is entitled to more of my class lessons.

I am also conflicted in what types of projects I should produce. Should I make a class newspaper, portfolio, posters or have no projects. Should I have students read outside novels and books and make a report. My cooperating teachers think all these ideas are great, but they say it is up to me to impliment them. They are supportng whaterver desision I make, which is great, however, the guidence is rather limiting. It is a double edge sword. I can do what I want with complete academic freedom, but I have so much freedom no one is saying that might be to much or this one will work better. It is driving me crazy becuase my personality whats to be impressive and do it all. I want to be a great teacher and impress not only the school and my fellow teachers, but capitvate my students as well. I just need alittle more guidence instead of the "blank check" I am being given.

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