Monday, March 8, 2010

Reading Reflection: Chris: Change Agent

Many new teachers don’t fully understand their power in students live, let alone the power they have in society in general. Some teachers are remembered because of projects, field trips, how they made students feel, and many other positive and negative aspects. New teacher strive to be the best, and often fall short early, but do rise to become great educators because of practices that include SDIAE or cooperative learning, ITU’s and much more. As an agent of change one must start small with one student, then a class, then classes to an entire generation. Many teachers stay within the ways of the classroom to bring fourth society change.

Teaching is a “progressive” interpretation of enlightenment on a massive scale. Teaching can be ones way of life and it could also be a day job. Teachers need to people outside the classroom, according to the reading. Teachers are people that lead lives away from the students and classrooms. However, teachers are also a breed of people who embrace ideology and theory, then try to make it become reality. Many teachers are leaders and will stand up for their beliefs and values, especially when it comes to the profession they love.

As an agent of change, I find myself looking more at the macro-level of thinking instead of the micro aspect of teaching. Everything teacher is under the microscope of parents, communities, and politicians. Teachers are very effective when all three of these aspects come together and support education. However, we live in a society that education is used as headlines, political talking points and leverage. Instead of being educators to students, teachers must become educated in the movements both social and political to really effect change in a meaningful way. Teachers must also be students and I find myself searching for anything that will effect education negatively or positively. I see myself having a life away from the students and four wall of as classroom, but I am learning, listening, understanding and educating individuals within our field. Unfortunately politics rules the day of educators in California and across the U.S. I just so happen to follow and comprehend what is being said and done, and I find myself as a person who can articulate these political repercussions to fellow educators to help lead one voice and ensure quality education in our schools.

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