Monday, February 8, 2010

School Reform at Lunch

This is a B.E.S.T. school that is segregated among gender.

APS Middle School Transformation Initiative
The opening of two single-gender academies this school year is the first phase of the Middle School Transformation Initiative. The district selected the Benjamin S. Carson Honors Preparatory School based on the challenging demographics of the community and the need to improve student performance. Consequently, The Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy for 6th grade girls and the B.E.S.T Academy for 6th grade boys at Ben Carson opened in August 2007. Each school opened with a 6th grade class and every year another grade will be added. Eventually the two academies will have a grade 6-12 grade configuration, creating a seamless transition from middle to high school on the same campus. Research is clear that single-gender schools improve academic achievement, significantly increase graduation rates and produce a higher number of students attending college. 100 Black Men of Atlanta and the Atlanta Cluster of the Links, Inc. have partnered with the academies to provide resources, mentors and support services. In addition, several programs are being piloted in select middle schools during the 2007-2008 school year.

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